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Counseling Office

Vista Verde's Counseling Department includes two school counselors, a social worker, and a social emotional learning specialist. Counseling staff are here to support, consult and collaborate with students, parents/guardians, our staff, and our administration. 

The role of the middle school counselor is to address personal, social, and the emotional & academic needs of all students. 


Both Mrs. Strati & Ms. Morales work with all of our students & families and welcome any and all family involvement.Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and please know we are here to support all of our students.

Jennifer Strati, | 602 449-5312

Yvette | 602 449-5314

Social Worker

Keith | 602 449-5317

SEL (Social Emotional Learning Specialist)

Diane | 602 449-5371